What is Full-Mouth Dental Implants?
We can say that it’s a full-arch restoration procedure. Full-Mouth Dental Implants involves four implant placement points. We use this procedure to replace the decayed and missing tooth. But you have to replace the whole affected jaw. In other words, this procedure isn’t applicable for the replacement of one or two teeth. You can either replace the teeth in the upper jaw or the lower jaw or both of them. It will replace your decayed and healthy teeth altogether if you are going for this procedure. That’s why it is considered best for senior people. It is because they usually have teeth that are decaying or have cavities in them. Besides them, some young people also have deformed teeth structure which might make them think that their smile isn’t as good as it could be. If you are conscious about your smile, you can also get this surgery.
What is the Procedure for Full-Mouth Dental Implants?
As we have mentioned before, Full-Mouth Dental Implants would be only applicable for those patients who are willing to replace the whole jaw or both jaws. That’s why before performing the surgery, all the teeth have to be extracted. After this step, four dental implants are installed in your jawbone at the right position and desired angle. To strengthens this structure further, four dental screws are screwed in those implants. It will help to set the overdenture over them efficiently. Overdenture is positioned over the four dental implants by the support of abutments. The procedure is completed by the implementation of new teeth.
The material used for teeth might cause some kind of confusion while choosing them. There are currently three primary types of materials for teeth in the market; acrylic, porcelain, and zirconia. You have to select them according to the one that will suit you as not every patient can get all these together. You have to consult your dentist because professional dentists can guide your accordingly.
How Much Would a Full-Mouth Dental Implant Cost You?
By running several surveys, we have concluded that the average price for this treatment is approximately equal to $25,000 per jaw. But it can vary according to the quality of this procedure. Not to mention that you can get this treatment in a price range from $3,000 to $30,000. To get the upper or lower jaw’s full dental implant. It is because these Full-Mouth Dental Implants depend upon certain factors. Let’s discuss them below.
The Tooth Material
The overall cost for your implant depends upon the tooth material that you choose. For example, if you composite or acrylic, the overall cost falls in the rand of $20,000 to $30,000. But if you choose porcelain, the overall cost for your treatment would fall in the range of $25,000 to $30,000 as it is expensive compared to other materials.